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Eagle Flying

Master Tech Automotive

European Specialists, with Passion, and Precision.

Maintenance at your pace


We Maintain your vehicle for you. The way you drive, The way you live. 

At Master Tech, we would be doing you a great disservice if we maintained your vehicle off of a cookie cutter list. Your needs, the cars needs, can change. This is because the habits, time, and stresses are different. Knowing you, and your car is the only way to really take care of you. The Owner. Isn't that what matters. 


At the same time, seeing the vehicle, knowing the problem area, pattern failures, and higher service points, that is our job. 

We can predict service, and actually take better care of you car than the dealer. I know,...Bold statement. Let us prove it. 

Who is this anyway? 

We are Master Tech Automotive, Richland. but the principle driver is Thomas Richardson. Who is he? Well.....

Thomas is a 42 year, ASE Master, L1 Tech. Now running a business for over 20 years, has developed a wide range of experience. Never shying away for technology, rather embracing it. As a business owner, Thomas has developed a wide range of strategies, and experience to solve issues. Sometimes the hard way, but more, from training, doing, and working with some of the best in the world. Thomas is involved in his community, And cares about people. Taking care of people, that's were it starts, and ends. 



This is what you really came here for.

Yes, we geek out. In today's modern car world, it is a must. Backyard mechanics are few a far between now. The tooling, design, and support needed to take care of vehicles today is daunting. We keep up, and even excel in this, and that matters. Using factory tools, and OE equivalent parts, is a must. MTA believes doing it cheap is the most expensive thing you can do.  Even oil matters. This is a double geek moment. 


Euro Car Care


Why are we different? 

You go to the Dealership, OK. You try a National Chain. Decent. Or, you look at an Independent shop, to see what it's about. Those are your choices. Why choose us? 


  • Local: Supporting local means something. 

  • Trust: If you are a local company, and your around more than a hot minute, you have built something that has trust at it's core. That is how we live. 

  • Mastery: If the dealer is good at this, why are we better? In todays world, the playing field has been leveled. We carry, and train into multiple factory tools. We train like mad dogs. We see things the dealer does not see. Is it hard? Yes. But do we must. What I like to say is; We can play in their sandbox. But they cant play in mine. 



Our Services

  • Diesels

  • European cars

  • Know your vehicle inspection

  • Oil change service

  • Brake inspection

  • Factory level diagnostics

  • Full-service BG shop

  • 3D Alignment

  • 60-90K inspection

  • Computer Diagnostics

Opening Hours

Mon - Fri: 8am - 5:30pm

  • Facebook - White Circle
  • Yelp - White Circle

Contact Us

1315 Lee Blvd
Richland, WA 99352


Tel:  509-545-6165

© 2020 MasterTech Automotive

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